107-111 Churchfield Road, London W3 6AH

Following Ealing Councils refusal to grant Planning Permission to demolish the existing buildings to form 14 No. flats and 2 No. offices at 107-111 Churchfield Road, Acton, London W3 6AH PPMS were instructed to make a S78 appeal by way of a Public Inquiry.

The appeal was made and Alun Alesbury counsel of 2-3 Grays Inn Square instructed to appear at the inquiry.There was considerable local opposition to the scheme particularly in relation to lack of parking and Conservation Area constraints. Following the inquiry the appeal was allowed in accordance with the terms of the original application, Ref P/2007/3230-ST, dated 11 July 2007, and plans 1467/002C, 1467/003A,1467/08L and 1467/09J, subject to conditions in the attached schedule.


Attached documents (PDF):

Decision Notice

Decision Letter
