Certificates of Lawfulness NEW CHANGES

The new Levelling up and Regenetion Act 2023 became Law 26 October 2023.  It has a number of novel changes which are heavily weighted against both applicants and appellants.  I hope to follow this short note with further details.  However of particular note here is the alteration of the period in which a building use and or operation becomes Lawful.  The four year rule in which a building and or residential use becomes immnue from Enforcement is to be changed from four years to ten years to align with all other Lawful Uses.  The regulations that will detail of this change have not yet been published or even drafted so to all intents and purposes this has not yet become law.  In the circumstances it is in the interest of everyone relying on these Lawful uses to prepare the correct evidence and where possible make the applications. Given the changes it is to be expected that Local Planning Authorities will examine these applications with a fine toothcomb.  Should you need any further advice or assistance please call us +44 208 458 4973.
