46 Woodstock Road, London, NW11 8ER

The application was for the retention of a single storey outbuilding.

This building would normally be permitted development but for the fact that the house had been divided into three flats. The development is similar to other units in the vicinity. In addition it sheilds the main property from a rather unsightly wall being the boundary to an accommodation road behind the main town centre at Golders Green Road.

The planning officer in her appraisal to the planning sub committee said “It is not considered that the out building harms the amenity of the neighbouring residents or harms the character of the area and therefore, the application was recommended for APPROVAL.

The local ward member took it upon himself to advance spurious claims made by some neighbours and was single handedly responsible in persuading the members of the planning sub-committee to overturn the officers recommendation and to refuse permission.

An appeal was made and consent granted with limited Costs awarded.

Attached documents (PDF):

Appeal Decision

Decision Notice
