6 Parkside, London, NW7 2LH “ Planning Appeal

This application related to a two-storey detached property, located in Parkside which is predominantly characterised by large detached single family dwelling houses.

The Proposal sought planning permission for a part single, part two storey side and rear extensions and associated roof extensions.

The design of the proposed side extensions have been set 1 metre off the boundary to no.4 Parkside and approx 1.75 metres off the boundary to no.8 Parkside. The proposed first floor rear extensions have been set in approx 4 metres off both boundaries and was therefore considered not to be overbearing to an unacceptable level or to result in an appreciable level of loss of light or outlook.

No.8 Parkside has an existing single storey rear extension addition and the proposed ground floor element would not project past this point. On the other side adjoining no.4, there are existing storage outbuildings and the proposed ground floor would not project past these structures. The application was recommended for APPROVAL by the Planning Officers and refused by the Planning Sub-Committee.

An appeal by way of a Local Hearing was made and was allowed.

Attached documents (PDF):

Application Drawings

Appeal Decision
