185 Golders Green Road, London NW11

Enforcement Non-Compliance Action

PPMS were first instructed when London Borough of Barnet indicated that it was considering Enforcement Action.

Planning application C08249B for the retention as built registered 8 October 2001 was refused.This was the subject of an appeal together with an Enforcement Notice.

Prior to the Appeal Inquiry Date application C08249C dated 27 March 2002 was determined granting consent for an amended loft conversion.

The appeal was dismissed but the Inspector noted that the Council confirmed that no action could be taken on the subject of this enforcement notice.

An application C08249D dated 3 November 2003 was determined granting consent for another amended loft conversion.

No work having been carried out and the application being out of date a further application C08249E dated 29 May 2006 was determined refusing the retention of roof extensions as built.

The Local Planning Authority issued a Summons to attend the Magistrates Court for non-compliance with an Enforcement Notice.

Alun Alesbury of Counsel was instructed to give a written opinion that would form the basis of having all action withdrawn. As a direct result of representations made all action in the Magistrates Court was withdrawn and the file closed.

Attached documents (PDF):




